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Your Guide To Weight Loss After 40

November 06, 20233 min read

Losing weight after turning 40 can be challenging especially for women. It's a time when traditional weight loss methods might not deliver the results you desire. If you're seeking a sustainable and effective approach, one that doesn't focus on just counting calories and strenuous workouts, you're in the right place. As a registered nutritional therapist who specialises in helping women like you achieve weight loss goals, we'll explore how you can embrace a holistic approach to shed those extra pounds by supporting gut health, inflammation, liver function and more. And we'll also discuss why calorie intake is just a small piece of the puzzle for your success.

  1. Mindful Eating and Nutrient-Dense Choices: Your weight loss journey begins with mindful eating and prioritising nutrient-dense foods. Rather than obsessing over calorie counts, let's savor every bite and choose whole, unprocessed foods that provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs. This approach will improve your satisfaction with meals and nourish your body effectively.

  2. Hormonal Balance: Your body's hormones play a crucial role in weight gain after 40. Specific foods and lifestyle choices can help regulate these hormonal fluctuations. Include foods rich in protein, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and phytoestrogens in your diet to support hormonal balance.

  3. Boost Your Metabolic Rate: Increasing your metabolic rate is a key aspect of holistic weight loss. Engage in regular, moderate-intensity exercises like walking, yoga, or swimming. These activities can rev up your metabolism without causing undue stress. We'll also highlight the importance of strength training to build lean muscle mass, further enhancing your metabolism.

  4. Stress Management: Chronic stress can lead to weight gain and hormonal imbalances. Stress management techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness practices should be a key part of your plan. Reducing stress is crucial for quality sleep and emotional well-being, both of which are essential for weight management.

  5. Caring for Your Gut: Your gut health is a significant player in your weight management journey. We'll delve into how a healthy gut microbiome influences digestion, nutrient absorption, appetite, inflammation regulation and metabolism. Consuming fibre-rich foods, fermented foods, and probiotics help to support your gut health.

  6. Tackle Inflammation: Chronic inflammation can hinder your weight loss efforts. We'll discuss anti-inflammatory foods, such as turmeric and fatty fish, to help combat inflammation. Your overall diet will focus on reducing processed foods and added sugars to promote an anti-inflammatory environment in your body.

  7. The Role of Your Liver: Your liver's function often goes unnoticed in weight management plans. Your liver processes and metabolises fats and toxins. Incorporate liver-supportive foods, such as leafy greens and beets, into your diet to optimise liver function.

  8. Calorie Intake: A Small Piece of the Puzzle: It's essential to understand that calorie intake is just one part of the weight loss puzzle. Our holistic approach looks at your body as a complex system influenced by multiple factors, including hormones, gut health, inflammation, and liver function. Calories do matter, but so does the quality of those calories and your overall health.

Your weight loss journey after 40 can be transformative and empowering. With our holistic approach focusing on mindful eating, hormonal balance, metabolic rate enhancement, stress management, gut health, inflammation control, and liver support, you can achieve your goals while improving your overall well-being. Remember, calorie intake is just one small piece of the puzzle. This holistic approach takes into account all aspects of your health and well-being, making it the key to sustainable and effective weight loss.

Ready to explore what you specific imbalances and nutritional needs are, and exactly what you need to do to hit your weight loss goals after 40? Explore The Nourish Method here.

weight lossmenopauseperimenopause

Louise Digby

Louise is a weight loss expert, registered nutritional therapist and founder of The Nourish Method to Lasting Fat Loss. Louise and her team work with women who struggle with stubborn weight to help them uncover and address the hidden causes of their stubborn weight so that they can lose weight for good, without fad diets.

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Your Guide To Weight Loss After 40

November 06, 20233 min read

Losing weight after turning 40 can be challenging especially for women. It's a time when traditional weight loss methods might not deliver the results you desire. If you're seeking a sustainable and effective approach, one that doesn't focus on just counting calories and strenuous workouts, you're in the right place. As a registered nutritional therapist who specialises in helping women like you achieve weight loss goals, we'll explore how you can embrace a holistic approach to shed those extra pounds by supporting gut health, inflammation, liver function and more. And we'll also discuss why calorie intake is just a small piece of the puzzle for your success.

  1. Mindful Eating and Nutrient-Dense Choices: Your weight loss journey begins with mindful eating and prioritising nutrient-dense foods. Rather than obsessing over calorie counts, let's savor every bite and choose whole, unprocessed foods that provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs. This approach will improve your satisfaction with meals and nourish your body effectively.

  2. Hormonal Balance: Your body's hormones play a crucial role in weight gain after 40. Specific foods and lifestyle choices can help regulate these hormonal fluctuations. Include foods rich in protein, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and phytoestrogens in your diet to support hormonal balance.

  3. Boost Your Metabolic Rate: Increasing your metabolic rate is a key aspect of holistic weight loss. Engage in regular, moderate-intensity exercises like walking, yoga, or swimming. These activities can rev up your metabolism without causing undue stress. We'll also highlight the importance of strength training to build lean muscle mass, further enhancing your metabolism.

  4. Stress Management: Chronic stress can lead to weight gain and hormonal imbalances. Stress management techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness practices should be a key part of your plan. Reducing stress is crucial for quality sleep and emotional well-being, both of which are essential for weight management.

  5. Caring for Your Gut: Your gut health is a significant player in your weight management journey. We'll delve into how a healthy gut microbiome influences digestion, nutrient absorption, appetite, inflammation regulation and metabolism. Consuming fibre-rich foods, fermented foods, and probiotics help to support your gut health.

  6. Tackle Inflammation: Chronic inflammation can hinder your weight loss efforts. We'll discuss anti-inflammatory foods, such as turmeric and fatty fish, to help combat inflammation. Your overall diet will focus on reducing processed foods and added sugars to promote an anti-inflammatory environment in your body.

  7. The Role of Your Liver: Your liver's function often goes unnoticed in weight management plans. Your liver processes and metabolises fats and toxins. Incorporate liver-supportive foods, such as leafy greens and beets, into your diet to optimise liver function.

  8. Calorie Intake: A Small Piece of the Puzzle: It's essential to understand that calorie intake is just one part of the weight loss puzzle. Our holistic approach looks at your body as a complex system influenced by multiple factors, including hormones, gut health, inflammation, and liver function. Calories do matter, but so does the quality of those calories and your overall health.

Your weight loss journey after 40 can be transformative and empowering. With our holistic approach focusing on mindful eating, hormonal balance, metabolic rate enhancement, stress management, gut health, inflammation control, and liver support, you can achieve your goals while improving your overall well-being. Remember, calorie intake is just one small piece of the puzzle. This holistic approach takes into account all aspects of your health and well-being, making it the key to sustainable and effective weight loss.

Ready to explore what you specific imbalances and nutritional needs are, and exactly what you need to do to hit your weight loss goals after 40? Explore The Nourish Method here.

weight lossmenopauseperimenopause

Louise Digby

Louise is a weight loss expert, registered nutritional therapist and founder of The Nourish Method to Lasting Fat Loss. Louise and her team work with women who struggle with stubborn weight to help them uncover and address the hidden causes of their stubborn weight so that they can lose weight for good, without fad diets.

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I'm Louise... registered nutritional therapist specialised in helping women to achieve their health and weight goals by addressing the root causes of stubborn weight.

You see, there's more to maintaining a healthy weight than balancing calories and as women approach menopause, diets often become ineffective. I've helped hundreds of women to discover and fix what's really keeping them from their goal weight; sluggish metabolism, imbalanced hormones, mindset challenges and more.

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Like many women, you may be struggling to shift the weight despite dieting and taking care to consume fewer calories than they burn. This is a common experience for women over 35, and it's rooted in how your hormones and metabolism change over time.

Restricting calories too much actually further damages the metabolism and hormones, and an entirely different approach is required to heal your metabolism and lose weight without experiencing rebound weight gain.

Like many women, you may be struggling to shift the weight despite dieting and taking care to consume fewer calories than they consume. This is a common experience for women over 35, and it's linked to how your hormones and metabolism change over time.

Restricting calories too low actually further damages the metabolism and hormones, and an entirely different approach is required to heal your metabolism and lose weight without experiencing rebound weight gain.

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